Installation on Linux


First, make sure you've downloaded the latest version.


You'll need to install a recent version of Java (1.5 or later), python 2.6 or later, and the python TkInter package. Additionally, you can speed up toolpath generation by installing the Python "psyco" package.

If you're using Ubuntu or a similar system, you can install all these from the command line:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk python python-tk python-psyco

For Ubuntu 11.04 (natty narwhal)

If the model preview window doesn't display properly, you will need to install a proprietary version of Java. To do so, copy and paste this into a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb natty partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

Next, you need to configure your system to use this version of java. Copy this into a terminal:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

Select the '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java' option (it should be option 2)

If you are using KDE and ReplicatorG crashes on startup, add the following line to the file '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/':

This line is needed because the GTK look and feel does not work with KDE.

For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

As for Ubuntu 11.04, it's necessary to install a proprietary version of Java if the model preview window doesn't display properly.

To do so, copy and paste this into a terminal:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin

Next, you need to configure your system to use this version of java. Copy this into a terminal:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

Select the '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java' option (it should be option 2)

Note: If this repository is unavailable, you can also install directly from Oracle's official Java distribution. See instructions here:

If you're still having trouble installing Java, see the instructions at

Optional: remove brltty

Some users have had issues with a Braille program that comes pre-installed in Ubuntu and may conflict with the serial driver. If you run into problems, you can remove the program with this command:

sudo apt-get remove brltty

Unpack it

Unpack the ReplicatorG .tar.gz file to a folder on your desktop (or wherever you'd like to install it).

For Fedora 14 and higher

ReplicatorG 25 ships an older version of the rxtx-library which can cause trouble:

check_group_uucp(): error testing lock file creation
Error details:Permission denied
check_lock_status: No permission to create lock file.

If this happens, replace the library from the replicatorg folder (replicatorg-0025/lib-i686/ with the one from your system (/usr/lib/rxtx/librxtxSerial-*.*.so.) Change the paths accordingly if you are on a 64bit system. (replicatorg-0025/lib-x86_64 and /usr/lib64/rxtx/)

See for more details on this issue.

For Archlinux

Packages requirements

# pacman -Syu python tk

Java version

Unfortunately the model preview doesn't work with openjdk. Oracle proprietary version is required.
You can install it from AUR using jre and jdk packages.

If you have installed aurget then you can simply type

$ aurget -S jre jdk

Access to serial port

Ensure your user have access to the serial port. Check rights on the file /dev/ttyUSBX (if you are using a FTDI usb-serial adapter, where X is the number of the corresponding serial port)

$ ls -la /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 4, 64 Oct  4 08:47 /dev/ttyUSB0

User root and group uucp have read/write access to the device.
In this example, you can simply add your user in the group uucp by editing file /etc/group or using your favorite GUI.

You will probably need to logout/login to update paths and rights.

Run It!

Open the replicatorg folder and run the "replicatorg" script by double-clicking it.


Next, move on to the usage page for instructions on configuring and using ReplicatorG.

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